
Program 1

  • The worst case analysis must not impact a public receptor;
  • The facility must not have had an accidental release of a regulated substance for the five years prior to the submission of the RMP; and
  • The facility must have an emergency response plan on file with local responders.

Program 2

If a process does not qualify for Program I or Program III, then it is automatically placed into Program II.

Program 3

  • The process must not qualify for Program I; and
  • The regulated process has one of the following Standard Industrial Classification (SIC) or the North American Industrial Classification System (NAICS) codes:
SICIndustry SectorNAICS
2611Pulp Mills32211
2812Alkalies & Chlorine Manufacturing325181
2819/2869All Other Basic Inorganic Chemical Manufacturing325188
2821Plastics Materials & Resin Manufacturing325211
2865Cyclic Crude & Intermediates325192
2873Nitrogenous Fertilizer Manufacturing325311
2879Pesticides & Other Agricultural Chemical Manufacturing32532
2911Petroleum Refineries32411
2865/2869Petrochemical Manufacturing32511
2969/2899All Other Basic Organic Chemical Manufacturing325199
  • If the process does not have one of the SIC/NAICS codes, but the process is subject to the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) Process Safety Management (PSM) standard, then it falls under Program III.