In Fall 2022, the Department of Health and Environmental Control will be assembling a stakeholder group to provide information and discuss potential changes to the mining program in South Carolina. These potential changes may include statutory changes, regulatory changes, and other steps the state, communities and interested parties can take, with the goal of improving the Department’s ability to regulate mining activities and protect human and environmental health while also not adversely affecting the state’s mining industry. 

On August 26, a Notice of Drafting was published in the State Register showing the Department’s intent to consider changes to R.89-10 through 89-350, Office of the Governor – Mining Council of South Carolina, the discussions related to regulatory changes will be a part of the stakeholder deliberations.

For more information, please contact the Department by emailing

Stakeholder Meeting DatesStakeholder Meeting Notes and Presentations
December 5, 2022

Mining Stakeholder Workgroup Presentation 12-5-22 

Mining Stakeholder Workgroup Meeting Notes 12-5-22 

November 9, 2022

Mining Stakeholder Workgroup Presentation 11-9-22 

Mining Stakeholder Workgroup Meeting Notes 11-9-22 

October 5, 2022 

Mining Stakeholder Workgroup Presentation 10-5-22 

Mining Stakeholder Workgroup Meeting Notes 10-5-22