A site check involves sampling soil, groundwater, or a combination of both, from an area where a release may have occurred. When the Division suspects that a release may have occurred from any portion of a UST system, a site check will be required. Releases most often occur from dispensers or spill buckets. If a request has been made to perform a site check, collect the appropriate sample using the approved sampling techniques found in the Underground Storage Tank Assessment Guidelines (pdf) and Analytical Methodology for Groundwater and Soil Assessment Guidelines (pdf). Be sure to dispose of any contaminated soil or water properly. Once the sample is taken, and sent to a certified lab for analysis, results should be submitted to the Division.
If collecting a sample from the suspected release is not physically possible, please contact the Division for further guidance on where a sample can be taken.
The following information should be included in the final report:
- The UST permit number and site address
- A detailed map showing the location of the sample taken, building location, tank area, dispenser area, roads, and a north arrow
- A description of the sample taken ( i.e. diesel dispenser 2 soil sample)
- The testing method used (Method 5035/8260B, Method 3550/8270C)
- The final lab report including a chain of custody